Saturday 26 March 2011

Construction-day 2!

Todays attendee's:

Well today was interesting day of filming, because of how real we made the car chase we in fact had people pulling over asking if Sophie was okay. Because of our test shots we mad today's filming went very easy. However we had a few small problems having to re-shoot some shots due to bad framing but thats all.

Construction- day 1

Today's attendees:
All of our group!

Today we conducted our indoor shots, at matt's house. Sophie (our actress) Fitted her costume perfectly and even though She was nervous, she was extremely easy to direct and worked really hard.

I was artistic director on set today and told sophie where to stand and positioning in the frame, I also told her what her motivation was and help her act the scene out. Sam was on continuity and clapperboard. Holly operated the camera. Matt was directing, telling us what shots to use and kept everything running as smoothly as possible.

The main issues we had today were problems with natural lighting continuity and the tight space of the bathroom, which made it really hard to pan. But after 7 takes we finally got a perfect shot. We may have to sort the lighting continuity in final cut studio, using exposure, brightness, contrast.